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Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533
Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533

Practical Information for Incoming Students

The students arriving based on a partnership agreement signed with the Wszechnica Polska Academy of Applied Sciences may apply to be admitted to the university as a student participating in the Erasmus+ programme. For this purpose, he/she should contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at his/her university. The coordinator at the student’s home university should then send his/her nomination to the Office of International Cooperation of the Wszechnica Polska Academy of Applied Sciences. The applicant may also register online.


Deadlines for online registration
Registration should take place by:

  • 30 June 2024 for the 2024/2025 autumn semester
  • 30 November 2024 for the 2024/2025 summer semester

Following registration, students should prepare a Learning Agreement and confirm the choice of the courses that they intend to take at the Wszechnica Polska Academy of Applied Sciences, both at their home university and the receiving university, by obtaining the signatures of coordinators and other persons confirming the Learning Agreement. Students may participate free of charge in all the courses taught in Polish and in special courses taught in English.

O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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W dniach 25- 29 lipca 2022r. Wszechnica Polska gościła w ramach…