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Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533

Grading System Erasmus+
WSZECHNICA POLSKA Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw

The programs of studies with ECTS credit points

The programs of studies contain information about the subjects offered by the university, within specific faculties, along with the number of hours, ECTS points and the form of crediting.

 For each subject, the assumed learning outcomes (i.e. knowledge, skills and social competences), the content of education, forms of classes (lectures, exercises, laboratories, projects, seminars, e-learning), methods of verification of learning outcomes and rules of final assessment are determined as well as the proposed literature and the estimated total workload (measured by ECTS points). The total workload is understood as the sum resulting from the contact hours at the university and the estimated hours of the student's own work. If necessary, the subject is divided into two or more semesters, in which case classes conducted in different semesters are assigned separate numbers of ECTS points.

The ECTS system as a system of credit transfer and accumulation                                                                                                         

The European Credit Transfer System is a solution for the recognition of the period of study at a partner university under the Erasmus and Erasmus + programs.

ECTS credit points  are awarded to students, both outgoing and incoming (foreign students). They are allocated to separate subjects on the basis of the student's workload, taking into account the learning outcomes. Their number also depends on the level of studies at which the subject is carried out.

The ECTS system guarantees the completion of study periods thanks to:

  • the use of ECTS credit points assigned to subjects (cycle of classes) - the basis for assigning credit points is the amount of work required from the student to obtain credit for a given subject (cycle of classes). One ECTS credit point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work covering classes organized by the university and his individual work related to these classes;
  • in the ECTS system the number of points is as follows: - academic year - 60 points, - semester - 30 points, - trimester - 20 points;
  • developing the Catalog of Subjects presenting a detailed description of the classes offered by the university within individual fields of study with the given number of ECTS points for each subject (cycle of classes);
  • the use of the Learning Agreement, prepared before the start of the course, by the student of the period of study abroad, and specifying the curriculum to be attended by the student and the number of ECTS credit points that will be awarded for completing them. The agreement is valid for all three parties that are required to sign it: the home university, the host university and the student; 
  • use of the Transcript of Records, which lists all subjects (cycles) completed by the student abroad and the corresponding number of ECTS credit points. The transcript of records is issued by the host university. The home university recognizes the points obtained by the student at other universities in such a way that the points obtained for the completed courses (series of classes) replace the points that the student would have obtained at the home university during the comparable period of study.

 The following grading scale will be in use: 




ECTS Grades


bardzo dobry - (5,0); five

A  ( excellent )


dobry plus - (4,5); four and a half

B  ( very good )


dobry - (4,0); four

C  ( good )


dostateczny plus - (3,5); three and a half

D ( satisfactory )


dostateczny - (3,0); three

E  (sufficient )


 niedostateczny - (2,0); two

FX / F ( fail )

 ECTS grading scale




Outstanding performance with only minor errors


Above the average standard but with some errors


Fair but with significant shortcomings


Generally sound work with a number of notable errors


Performance meets the minimum criteria


Some more work required before the credit can be awarded


Considerable further work is required the credit can be awarded                                        













Refer to the ECTS information Package

Duration of course unit:
Y = full academic year
1S = 1 semester
2S = 2 semesters
1T – 1 term/trimester
2T = 2 terms/trimesters

ECTS credits:
1 full academic year = 60 credits
1 semester = 30 credits
1 term/trimester = 20 credits

ECTS credit points in the Diploma Supplement:

The Diploma Supplement is a document that is intended to help in the recognition and objective assessment of the qualifications of university graduates by their future employers in the country and abroad, as well as to facilitate their further academic career. The supplement describes the type, level, content and status of the studies completed.

Specific information about ECTS System and the tools connected with its use and about the Diploma Supplement are available at Zespołu Ekspertów Bolońskich, Komisji Europejskiej EACEA or at Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+.

At Wszechnica Polska Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw the following rules of grade transfer within the system of ECTS have been established: pobierz dokument.

O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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