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Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533


On the 22nd of December 2013 came into force the European Council Regulation establishing Erasmus +: the EU program for young people's education, training, and sport for 2014-2020. The program started in the academic year 2014/2015 and will last until 2020.

Not only students can benefit from the new program but also other participants of the educational system: students (including adult learners) and teachers of general education and vocational training (trainers, youth workers and volunteers), as well as educational institutions, NGOs, and youth and sports organizations.


The strategy of WSZECHNICA POLSKA UNIVERSITY in WARSAW includes achievement of the notions promoted by the Erasmus Programme in the area of supporting cooperation between the European Union states and other countries, supporting educational exchange, intercultural relations, and at the same time ensuring that our students and staff obtain valuable academic and professional experience in an international environment.

Cooperation under the Erasmus Programme is strictly connected with the University's mission included in the strategy of development, namely providing best education to student s responding to the needs of the domestic, European, and regional job market, training enlightened citizens of democratic states who actively promote their own lifelong development. As part of international cooperation, Wszechnica Polska is searching for such regions and universities and also such type of people which guarantee improvement of the quality of education, achievement of challenges related to the Bologna Process and may have impact on successful implementation of the solutions constituting the essence of the National Framework of Qualifications.

In its recruitment policy, the University applies the rule of "non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all", and also support of students and staff interested in the Erasmus Programme who belong to insufficiently represented groups, are disabled Ol' in difficult financial situation.

In addition to prior cooperation with European universities, Wszechnica Polska will intensify its actions aimed at searching for new partners in international exchange and cooperation, in particular with new EU member states, such Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Croatia, and other countries such as Russia or Ukraine. This should increase participation of students in internships abroad under the Erasmus Programme and strengthen actions aimed at tightening relations with foreign companies where students may serve their internship, and also actions aimed at promoting participation in international projects and thematic network s among academic staff, launching new study programmes in English based on cooperation with universities abroad, using e-learning, preparation and implementation of curricula to obtain authorisation to issue joint diplomas.

Participation of all Faculties of the University in the Erasmus Programme constitutes one of the main strategies objectives of development. We strive for such level of cooperation so our academic and research staff, administration personnel, and students may use experience gained during the Erasmus exchange in Wszechnica Polska. We chose international cooperation partners which may enrich new educational experience, both from the Western and Eastern Europe. We analyse to what extent study programmes of a partner University are similar to our programmes and how they may complete our programmes.

International cooperation of Wszechnica Polska covers organisation of and conducting joint research projects, scientific conferences and seminars, preparation of joint publications, exchange of scientific information, joint preparation of didactic programmes, exchange of research and academic staff and students, preparation and joint use of distance learning methods.

Additional information available here:


Katarzyna Gajewska, PhD
Palace of Culture and Science
Defilad 1 Sq r. 832 B, 00-901 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 656 61 92
Phone/fax +48 22 624 88 35

O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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