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The strategy of Wszechnica Polska University in Warsaw is to implement concepts promoted by the Erasmus + Programme in the area of supporting cooperation between European Union states, as well as with partner countries. The University's intention is to support educational exchange and intercultural relations by ensuring that our students and staff obtain valuable academic and professional experience in an international environment.

Cooperation under the Erasmus+ Programme is strictly connected with the University's mission included in its strategy of development, namely providing quality education to students responding to the needs of the domestic, European, and regional labour market, training enlightened citizens of democratic states who actively promote their own development. As part of international cooperation, Wszechnica Polska University is searching for such regions and universities and also such type of people which guarantee improvement of the quality of education, achievement of challenges related to the Bologna Process and may have impact on successful implementation of the solutions constituting the essence of the European Education Area.

In its recruitment policy, the University applies the rule of "non-discrimination and equal opportunities for everyone", care for gender balance, and also support of students and staff interested in the Erasmus+ Programme who belong to insufficiently represented groups, are disabled or in difficult financial situation. The University promotes civic engagement and active citizenship among students and staff, including voluntary and social work. 

We put the emphasis on the automatic and mutual recognition of qualifications and results obtained while studying abroad, promoting eco-friendly practices in all activities of  Wszechnica Polska, the widest possible implementation of digital technologies in the educational process, for instance, through introducing virtual and mixed mobility, by the intensification of foreign language learning, through implementing multilingual education methods, strengthening language and intercultural awareness in education, developing key competences among our students and staff, including entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, critical thinking, digital skills and media use.

Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will enable Wszechnica Polska to disseminate Good Practice Catalogue, exchange results among academic and administrative staff, involve in research conducted with European and non-European universities more widely, create international study paths, universalize research topics, increase the number of foreigners studying in Wszechnica Polska as well as of visiting academic teachers and administrative staff from abroad, promote Polish education internationally, popularize the results of our university's research and development in the world, initiate organizational and institutional changes at the university which are aimed at modernizing Wszechnica Polska and adapting it to global standards.

Our goal is to increase the participation of students in internships abroad under the Erasmus+ Programme and strengthen actions aimed at tightening relations with foreign companies where students may serve their internship, and also actions aimed at promoting participation in international projects and thematic networks among academic staff, launching new study programmes in English based on cooperation with universities abroad, using e-learning, preparation and implementation of study curricula to obtain authorisation to issue joint diplomas.

The participation of all Faculties of the University in the Erasmus+ Programme constitutes one of the main strategic objectives of development. We strive for such level of cooperation so our academic and research staff, administration personnel, as well as students may use experience gained during the Erasmus+ exchange in Wszechnica Polska. We choose international cooperation partners which may enrich past educational experience, both from Europe and other continents. When establishing Erasmus+ cooperation with universities and partner institutions, Wszechnica Polska puts emphasis on finding concurrent study curricula and joint research topics.

Our international cooperation includes European universities as well as universities from Latin America, Asia, Africa and former Soviet Republics. Our goal is to enhance existing international cooperation and expand it with new partner universities.


The mobility of higher education students and staff

The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office will deal with issues related to the implementation and management of a project on foreign mobility. Bilateral agreements with foreign partners shall be concluded by the Chancellor of the University. Cooperation offers related to specific fields of study shall be evaluated by the Chancellor and Directors of individual University Faculties. The International Cooperation Office  shall direct a cooperation offer to the Director of individual University Faculty  in order to make a preliminary substantive evaluation of the possibilities of establishing such cooperation, and to the University Legal Advisor so that possibilities of establishing international cooperation in formal terms can be analyzed. A positive result of the substantive and formal evaluation of the cooperation offer will result in presenting the application with a draft agreement to the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of the draft agreement and establishing international cooperation. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall report on the project using the Mobility tool, collect and control project documentation, create tools for project dissemination: prepare brochures and leaflets about the project, operate the project website, social media and qualify expenses. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office  shall communicate with international partners during the individual phases of the project to discuss the implementation plan of the project, its development and the difficulties encountered. Upon completion of the mobility activities, the Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall evaluate the project, i.e. prepare and share surveys and questionnaires for international partners.

The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office  shall provide the mobility participants with information on the requirements for participating in the project via the project website and e-mail correspondence as well as during meetings with individual mobility participants. The recruitment and qualification process will be based on transparent and fair criteria as well as will be properly documented. The course catalogues will be updated by Directors of individual University Faculties. Changes in the programme will be introduced on an ongoing basis by the Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office  to the syllabus of all courses offered in English, Russian and Spanish on the University's website. Agreements to the study curriculum/internships, including online version shall be prepared by the Erasmus University Coordinator in consultation with the heads of individual University Departments. Financial agreements regarding mobility of participants shall be drawn up by the Erasmus University Coordinator. The agreements shall be approved and signed by the University Chancellor.  The Chancellor is responsible for granting consent to the mobility participants to study abroad. The Erasmus University Coordinator will assess whether the mobility participant has fulfilled the requirements of the financial agreement upon his/her return from studying abroad and submitted all required documents. The evaluation of the Transcript of Records will be conducted by the Erasmus University Coordinator with the presence of the heads of individual University Departments. The Heads of individual University Departments will be deciding on transfer of the student achievements from the Transcript of Records to the student course record and to the diploma supplement on the basis of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

A description of the procedure for recognizing student mobilities, which also includes those cases where students did not obtain the required number of ECTS points during their mobility, is available on the University's website. The University will use the EGRACONS platform to improve the recognition process.

The University will provide outgoing students and staff with linguistic preparation and intercultural preparation. Students can participate in language courses. The University will organize language courses for outgoing staff. Outgoing students and staff will participate in meetings with Erasmus+ scholarship recipients. The International Cooperation Office will organize meetings regarding intercultural communication.

The exchange of students between Wszechnica Polska and partner universities will develop its foreign language courses offer, increase the number of foreign students at our university, increase innovativeness in student education by introducing transcultural elements, make it possible to learn foreign education programmes and various solutions within the framework of teaching at the practical profile.

Students going abroad for internships have an opportunity to gain professional experience in an international environment, deepen their practical knowledge of the programme they study, adapt their qualifications to  trends prevailing on the domestic and global labour market.  

The exchange of academic staff between Wszechnica Polska and partner universities will give an opportunity to undertake and implement joint research undertakings, create unified and standardized study curricula, create international study paths, universalize research topics, increase the number of foreign academic teachers at the University, exchange best practices in didactics and research methodology.

The exchange of administrative personnel between Wszechnica Polska and partner universities will contribute to the exchange of information and best practices regarding recruitment systems, management of university funds, professional service of student and staff exchange, proper functioning of individual organizational units of the university, working methods in the field of interinstitutional cooperation and implementation of the Erasmus Programme.


Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices as well as Partnerships  for Innovation

Erasmus University Coordinator together with the University Team for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices composed of: Chancellor's Plenipotentiary for University Development, Directors of individual University Faculties and Heads of the individual University Departments will deal with issues related to the project implementation and management in relation to cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices as well as building partnerships for innovation. Agreements regarding such cooperation and such partnerships shall be concluded by the University Chancellor. Such cooperation and partnership offers will be evaluated by the University Team for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices and the Chancellor. The International Cooperation Office shall direct a cooperation offer to the Team for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices in order to make a preliminary substantive evaluation of the possibilities of establishing such cooperation, and to the University Legal Advisor so that possibilities of establishing international cooperation in formal terms can be analyzed. A positive result of the substantive and formal evaluation of the cooperation offer will result in presenting the application with a draft agreement to the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of the draft agreement and establishing international cooperation. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall report on the project, collect and control project documentation, create tools for project dissemination: prepare brochures and leaflets about the project, operate the project website, social media and qualify expenses. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall communicate with international partners during the individual phases of the project to discuss the implementation plan of the project, its development and the difficulties encountered.  The University Team for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices will be responsible for the substantive implementation of the project: organization of joint scientific undertakings, seminars and conferences. Upon the project completion, the Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall prepare and made available surveys and questionnaires for project partners in order to carry out project evaluation.

Participation in projects on cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices and partnerships for innovation will enable Wszechnica Polska to carry out research projects with foreign universities, various public institutions, including employment offices and business environment. Wszechnica Polska will be able to exchange best practices in regard of  teaching and university management, and to introduce innovative solutions to study curricula. The University will be implementing strategies easing the recognition and validation of knowledge and competences acquired as part of the education process. Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme will give an opportunity to organize such trainings for staff which meet the requirements of the modern labour market, support innovative thinking, civic activity and entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship. Participation in projects on innovation and exchange of good practices will have impact on strengthening the employability of graduates, including people with disabilities and from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Partnerships for Excellence: European Universities and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

The Erasmus University Coordinator together with the University Team for the Quality of Education composed of: Plenipotentiary for the Quality of Education, Vice-Chancellor for study programme, Directors of individual University Faculties and Heads of the individual University Departments will deal with issues related to the project implementation and management in relation to cooperation in partnership: European Universities and conducting Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Agreements regarding such cooperation will be concluded by the University Chancellor. Such cooperation offers will be evaluated by the University Team for the Quality of Education and the Chancellor. The International Cooperation Office shall direct a cooperation offer to the Team for the Quality of Education in order to make a preliminary substantive evaluation of the possibilities of establishing such cooperation, and to the University Legal Advisor so that possibilities of establishing international cooperation in formal terms can be analyzed. A positive result of the substantive and formal evaluation of the cooperation offer will result in presenting the application with a draft agreement to the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of the draft agreement and establishing international cooperation. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall report on the project, collect and control project documentation, create tools for project dissemination: prepare brochures and leaflets about the project, operate the project website, social media and qualify expenses. The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall communicate with international partners during the individual phases of the project to discuss the implementation plan of the project, its development and the difficulties encountered.  The University Team for the Quality of Education will be responsible for the substantive implementation of the project: creation of a joint study offer, correct implementation of this offer, organization of joint scientific undertakings, seminars and conferences. Upon the project completion, the Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall evaluate the project, i.e. prepare and share surveys and questionnaires for project partners.

The Erasmus University Coordinator within The International Cooperation Office shall provide the students who are interested in participating in the joint degree with information on the requirements for participating in the project via the project website and e-mail correspondence as well as during meetings with individual project participants. The recruitment and qualification process will be based on transparent and fair criteria as well as was properly documented. Financial agreements of the students qualified to joint degree shall be drawn up by the Erasmus University Coordinator. The agreements shall be approved and signed by the University Chancellor.  The Chancellor is responsible for granting consent to study abroad for qualified students. The Erasmus University Coordinator will assess whether the student has fulfilled the requirements of the financial agreement upon his/her return from studying abroad and submitted all required documents.

Participation in the Partnership for Excellence: European Universities will enable Wszechnica Polska to modernize and standardize study curricula, promote European integration and European values, expand scientific and research cooperation with European universities, increase participation in conferences and seminars implemented in cooperation with foreign partners, and intensify the mobility of foreign staff and students, increase the university's scientific potential and the quality of research conducted.

 Participation in Partnerships for Excellence: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree will allow Wszechnica Polska to create  innovative and comprehensive foreign language curricula, use modern digital tools in education more widely, improve the competence of master degree graduate directed to the needs of the national and international labour market.


The University Team for the Quality of Education composed of: Plenipotentiary for the Quality of Education, Directors of individual University Faculties and Heads of the individual University Departments will deal with activities aimed at supporting policy development and cooperation – proper implementation of the Bologna process assumptions, transparency tools and recognition of education. The Erasmus University Coordinator within the International Cooperation Office together with the Team for the Quality of Education shall deal with issues related to the implementation and management of the project in relation to the implementation of cooperation with the European and international networks and NGOs. Agreements related to such cooperation shall be concluded by the Chancellor of the higher education institution. Offers of such cooperation shall be subject to assessment by the University Team for the Quality of Education and the Chancellor. The International Cooperation Office shall refer the offer of cooperation to the Team for the Quality of Education in order to make a preliminary substantive assessment of the possibilities of establishing such cooperation and to the University Legal Advisor in order to analyze the possibilities of establishing international cooperation in formal terms. Positive result of the substantive assessment and formal offer of cooperation shall result in presenting the application with the offer to the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of the draft agreement and establishing international cooperation. The Erasmus University Coordinator within the International Cooperation Office shall report on the project, collect and control the project documentation, create tools to popularise the project: prepare brochures and leaflets about the project, operate the project website, social media and qualify expenses. The Erasmus University Coordinator  within the International Cooperation Office shall communicate with project partners during the individual phases of the project to discuss the project implementation plan, its development and the difficulties encountered.  The University Team for the Quality of Education shall be responsible for the substantive implementation of the project: organisation of the joint scientific projects, seminars and conferences. Upon the project completion, the Erasmus University Coordinator witin the International Cooperation Office shall evaluate the project, i.e. prepare and share surveys and questionnaires for project partners.

The Action 3 shall give Wszechnica Polska the opportunity to intensify activities in order to effectively implement the assumptions of the Bologna Process, tools for transparency and recognition of education, cooperation with the European and international networks and NGOs to promote innovative education, training and test results. This shall contribute to supporting the process of modernizing higher education in Poland and in the world and strengthening the University's position as a centre for the development of science and education.

Persons participating in the Erasmus+ project – Actions 1, 2 and 3 within our University shall be able to strengthen their key competences, including language and digital skills.

By establishing Erasmus+ cooperation with Universities and partner institutions, the University shall place emphasis on finding convergent study curricula, joint research topics, convergent areas for exchanging good practices and implementing innovations.

In implementing foreign mobility, the University shall comply with the principle of "non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all", care for gender balance, support students and staff from under-represented groups, the disabled or those in difficult financial situations. The participants of the project shall be both Polish and foreign students and staff of our University. Students with disabilities and financial difficulties shall be able to benefit from additional funding. The building of our University and owned equipment, i.e. interactive boards, mobile chairs, keyboards for the visually impaired, portable mini computers meet the needs of the disabled.

An employee of the International Cooperation Office shall be assigned to each student as well as academic staff and administrative personnel member from abroad as a supervisor who will assist them in current matters during their stay. During the mobility, the International Cooperation Office will organize integration meetings and sightseeing trips for incoming students and staff. The International Cooperation Office will organize an orientation day for incoming students. Incoming students will also be able to benefit from the support of students of Wszechnica Polska within "buddy system".

Incoming students and staff will participate in the promotion of the Erasmus+ program at Wszechnica Polska as program Ambassadors during information meetings with students and  staff of the University interested in participating in the program. The University will offer online language courses, including Polish language course to incoming students and staff.

Studies abroad and internships shall be fully recognized by our University. Student's achievements included in the Transcript of Records shall be transferred to the student's course record and the diploma supplement based on the application of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). An agreement on the study/internship curriculum shall be drawn up in agreement between all parties and before the mobility begins. Learning Agreement and Training Agreement shall be agreed before the respective academic staff or administrative personnel member performs the mobility. Leaving and incoming students as well as leaving and incoming staff shall receive information regarding accommodation, visa requirements and insurance in Poland and abroad. Wszechnica Polska shall exchange information with partner universities on an ongoing basis regarding the organization of the academic year, the offer of subjects, visa requirements, accommodation for students and staff, and insurance.

The International Cooperation Office will issue the participants with documents needed to obtain a visa, which the Office is authorized to issue in accordance with applicable law, and provide information on institutions / diplomatic missions in which a visa application can be submitted.

The International Cooperation Office will support the participants in choosing insurance.

The International Cooperation Office will provide incoming and outgoing students and staff with guidance how to prevent any potencial risks or threats to their safety that may happen during their mobility, what to do in case of emergency- health, accident and theft insurance schemes. 

The International Cooperation Office will support the participants in finding accommodation.

The educational offer, grading system used by the University, descriptions of subjects with ECTS credits shall be available on the University's website. The description of subjects shall contain information on the minimum linguistic level requirement for a course.

Incoming students shall not be charged with any recruitment, registration or tuition fees for studies conducted at Wszechnica Polska. They shall not be charged with any fees for the use of libraries and sports facilities offered by our University.

Selection of the mobility participants:

The recruitment and qualification process shall be based on transparent, fair criteria and shall be properly documented.

Candidates applying for the SMS, SMP, STA/STT shall be assessed by the Recruitment Committee composed of the Vice-Chancellor, Head of the Department of the given field of study, the Erasmus University Coordinator and Student Government Representative.

In the assessment of SMS and SMP candidates the average grade from all semesters, being a part of scientific associations, participation in scientific competitions and seminars, engagement in helping foreign staff members and students coming to the University shall be taken into account.

In the assessment of STA candidates, the following shall be taken into account: didactic experience in the field covered by cooperation with the partner University, scientific achievements in this field, to what extent studying abroad will contribute to the improvement of the teacher's teaching qualifications and transfer of good practices in the field of education programmes to Wszechnica Polska.

In the assessment of STT candidates, the scope of the candidate's responsibilities for the implementation of tasks in priority areas for development of the University shall be taken into account, i.e. organization of the international cooperation: support for leaving students and staff, service and integration of incoming foreign students and staff, support for mobility of students and disabled staff members, technological, media and information development and modernization of the University, to what extent studying will increase the staff member's qualifications in these areas.

A candidate for SMS, SMP, STA, STT shall be able to submit to the Appeal Committee an appeal within 5 days from the day of preparing the main list of people qualified for the mobility. There shall be no appeal against the Appeal Committee’s decision. In case of resignation from taking part in the mobility of people from the main list, their place shall be taken by people from the reserve list.

Recruitment of students of Wszechnica Polska for SMS and SMP shall take place once a year from January to March and shall apply to the next academic year (both winter and summer semester). Forms shall be submitted in January and February, while the decision-making process shall have place in March.

STA and STT recruitments shall take place once a year from March to April and shall apply to the next academic year (both winter and summer semester). Forms shall be submitted in March, and the decision-making process shall have place in April.

The choice which candidates are to participate in the joint degree shall be made by the Recruitment Committee, consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, Head of the Department of the given field of study, the Erasmus University Coordinator and Student Government Representative. The following will be taken into account when choosing the participants: their average grade, foreign language level, previous experience of participating in international student exchange programmes.

The appeal procedure and the dates of student recruitment for joint degree will coincide with the appeal procedure and the dates of student recruitment for SMS and SMP mobilities.

Project preparation stage:

The International Cooperation Office shall submit to the host University by e-mail an official list of qualified candidates for SMS, STA, and STT before the date of completion by the host University of the procedure for registering students and staff arriving .

The International Cooperation Office shall send confirmation of the student/staff member's eligibility for the SMP and STT to the host institution for an internship/training.

The Learning Agreement shall be agreed and approved within a month from student's registration by the Erasmus University Coordinator and the heads of individual University Departments.

The Lecture/Training Agreement shall be agreed and approved within a month from the academic staff/administrative personnel member's registration by the Erasmus University  Coordinator.

Project implementation stage

Changes to the originally approved Learning Agreement of the leaving student shall have to be reported to the International Cooperation Office of the University and approved by the  Erasmus University Coordinator and the Head of individual University Department not later than 30 days from the start of the classes/internship at the University/host institution.

After the content of Transcript of Records is analysed, the Head of individual University Department shall convert ECTS credits and grades from Transcript of Records into points and grades used by Wszechnica Polska. Subjects completed at the partner University shall be entered in the student's course record using the names of their equivalents in Polish. A grade applied by Wszechnica Polska shall be assigned to each subject. Learning outcomes achieved by the student during the SMS mobility will be presented in the diploma supplement.

After analyzing the content of the After the mobility-Learning Agreement part, ECTS credits obtained as part of Erasmus internship are transcribed to the student's course record and the diploma supplement.

SMS and SMP mobility shall be treated as an integral part of studies if all the conditions agreed in the Learning Agreement are met by the student.

Mobility of the academic staff/administrative personnel member and his/her activities in the frame of cooperation projects with strategic partners shall be included in his/her periodic assessment. Academic teachers who participated in Erasmus shall have priority in publishing in the University magazine, administrative personnel shall have priority in participating in national trainings. Participation in the Erasmus+ program shall be taken into account in the promotion of academic / administrative staff.

Evaluation and monitoring activities

Ex-ante evaluation - project implementation stage: The International Cooperation Office shall carry out evaluations with incoming and outgoing students, academic staff and administrative personnel to diagnose planned mobility results, expectations, and needs of the participants. The ex-ante evaluation tool shall be a survey.

Ongoing evaluation and monitoring - stage of project duration: The International Cooperation Office shall carry out evaluations with participants of SMS, STA, STT, SMP regarding the implementation of the schedule of activities, current problems related to the implementation of mobility. The ongoing evaluation tool shall be a survey.

Every month of the stay SMS/SMP the host institution shall send a report on the course of the student’s mobility. In case of the mobility STA and STT such a report shall be sent by the host institution every other day of the stay.

If necessary, an assigned employee of the International Cooperation Office will carry out a monitoring and support visit during the mobility period at the institution hosting the intern student.

Ex-post evaluation - project completion stage: This evaluation shall concern the results obtained by project participants, their degree of satisfaction with the participation in the project, and possible difficulties encountered during the mobility. The ex-post evaluation tool shall be an online survey - a participant report, trip reports prepared by participants, and individual interviews with the participants. Ex-post evaluation will be carried out by the International Cooperation Office.

The results of the evaluation shall be used to correct the rules for organizing the mobility of the host University and the sending University/institution, avoiding future problems encountered by participants before and during the mobility. The International Cooperation Office of Wszechnica Polska shall organize meetings with other University units in order to introduce changes in the organization of mobility on the basis of evaluation results.

The International Cooperation Office shall share the results of each type of evaluation at a specific stage of the project by email with partner universities/institutions accepting internships and trainings.

The goal of SMS mobility shall be for students of Wszechnica Polska to accomplish a part of their studies abroad, to increase their language competences, to increase their motivation to learn, to be creative, and to increase their intercultural awareness. Thanks to participation in SMS mobility students shall be able to learn about the education programmes of foreign universities and broaden their professional knowledge.

The purpose of SMP mobility shall be the implementation of the internship abroad by students of Wszechnica Polska. Thanks to participation in SMP mobility, students shall be able to gain practical knowledge and skills related to the faculty they study. Their entrepreneurship, openness to new challenges and adaptability in an international environment shall increase, which fact will improve their chances on the international and domestic labour market.

The purpose of STA mobility shall be the implementation of lectures and scientific research by academic teachers of Wszechnica Polska who will carry out lectures and conduct research during the mobility. Thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme they shall be able to strengthen their didactic skills, implement at our University the solutions developed in the research conducted at the host University, determine the paths for implementing joint research initiatives, discuss the substantive assumptions of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, make arrangements leading to the establishment of partnerships - European Universities, cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.

The purpose of STT mobility shall be the implementation of training by administrative staff of Wszechnica Polska. Administrative staff of Wszechnica Polska will be able to transfer to our University the good practices observed during the training, expand their knowledge in the field in which they specialize, exchange experiences and best practices with foreign administrative staff in the field of University management.

The stay abroad will be an incentive for our academic teachers and administrative staff to self-improvement, education of intercultural competences, and increase of their foreign language skills.  

Thanks to participation in the Erasmus+ Programme, the number of academic teachers, administrative staff, and students of Wszechnica Polska participating in foreign mobility will increase. Faculties of universities that have not previously participated in Erasmus projects will establish cooperation with foreign universities and research centres, the share of our academic teachers in foreign research projects and conferences will increase.  It will result in creation of new research topics.  Wszechnica Polska will implement activities aimed at creating joint study curricula - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, it will introduce innovative solutions to the educational offer of the University within the European Universities partnerships.

Wszechnica Polska will use the best practices and innovative solutions developed during the mobility of STA, STT, as part of partnerships for innovation, cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices. Thanks to that, the effectiveness of its units dealing with implementation of study curricula in terms of their compatibility with the education system in the EU will increase, the functioning of Wszechnica's administrative units will improve, the University's cooperation with the business environment and public institutions, including employment offices, will be strengthened, which will increase the chances of our graduates to obtain employment on the regional and national labour market .

The project will contribute to a wider familiarization by other Polish and foreign universities, scientific and research institutions with the results of research carried out by staff/personnel of Wszechnica Polska during their foreign mobility, best practices and innovative solutions developed as part of innovation partnerships, cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, solutions in the field of standardization of education programmes implemented under the European Universities partnership and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.

As a result thereof Polish and foreign universities, scientific and research centres, public institutions, labour offices, and enterprises interested in establishing inter-institutional cooperation with Wszechnica Polska will appear.

Experiences, best practices, research results generated as part of the University's participation in the Erasmus+  program will be able to be used and enriched in the future cooperation with partner institutions. These activities will support the fundamentals of the European Higher Education Area and strengthen the University's involvement in European and international projects.

Dissemination stage

In order to ensure the sustainability of the project, Wszechnica Polska will emphasize the dissemination of the project results during and after its completion. Dissemination of the project results will be implemented on the University’s website (in Polish and English Language) the University's profile on Facebook, Instagram, in the form of leaflets and mailing sent to other Polish and Foreign higher education institutions, scientific and research institutions, labour offices, enterprises, during meetings with students and staff of Wszechnica Polska organized by the International Cooperation Office. The University will contribute to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

Measuring method of the effects of project dissemination and sustainability will be the number of applications for participation of our students and staff in the Erasmus+ programme, the number of job offers from employment offices and enterprises for our graduates who participated in the Erasmus+ programme, the number of citations of our publications devoted to research results carried out under the Erasmus+ project in a given year in relation to the number of publications in a given year; "H-index" - the ratio of publications and their citations measured according to the Hirsch method, the number of offers to establish cooperation from other universities, research centres, enterprises, conclusion of Erasmus+ agreements by University faculties that have not participated in Erasmus+ projects so far, establishment of cooperation projects, partnerships between Wszechnica Polska and partner institutions, based on experience, best practices, and research results, generated as part of the University's participation in the Erasmus+ programme.

The University will regularly examine the results of the project and its implementation through the ECHE Self - Assessment and will refer to the ECHE Guidelines. The International Cooperation Office will be responsible for dissemination of the project results.

​​​​Additional information available here:


Katarzyna Gajewska, PhD
Palace of Culture and Science
Defilad 1 Sq r. 832 B, 00-901 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 656 61 92
Phone/fax +48 22 624 88 35

More detailed information is available on the official Erasmus+ website.
While the information centre and source of multimedia documentation about the Erasmus+ programme including publications, presentations and videos is Mediateka.

O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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W dniach 25- 29 lipca 2022r. Wszechnica Polska gościła w ramach…