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Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533
Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533

Facilities for students with disabilities

At WSZECHNICA POLSKA Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw study and work people with disabilities. The school has a modern and complex didactic base ensuring the attainment of planned professional competences. At the Palace of Culture and Science there is total space of 650 m² at our disposal. In the scope of this space there are to be found two amphitheatre halls, 158 students each and a didactic room for 40 people designed for classes and seminars. The didactic areas are in proper technical condition and are fully accessible to students with disabilities.  


Since July 2010, the University is also the owner of the didactic facility located at ul. Karmelicka 10 in Warsaw with a total area of ​​1700 m2. The building has three floors (the ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor). This area includes: an amphitheater hall for 134 people, a computer lab with 30 computer stations with wireless Internet access, which is accessible to people with physical disabilities, and 22 lecture rooms for group classes.

In the teaching facility at ul. Karmelicka 10, unlimited access for people with mobility impairments is possible to the ground floor rooms (library, computer lab, lecture halls, cloakroom, buffet, toilets).

The WSZECHNICA POLSKA Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw has procedures in place to ensure the safe evacuation of people with disabilities in the event of an emergency.

Contact person for people with disabilities:
mgr Maria Urbańska
PKiN, 8th floor, room 822
tel. +48 22 656 61 92
tel./fax +48 22 624 88 35

O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: filologia angielska, hiszpańska, rosyjska, niemiecka, zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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W dniach 25- 29 lipca 2022r. Wszechnica Polska gościła w ramach…