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Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533
Rekrutacja: PKiN, VIII piętro, pokój 803A
tel. +48 22 656 62 56, +48 608 670 533

Why study with us?

  • Our strength lies in rich and diverse courses program for both Bachelor and Master degrees, as well as Postgraduate, including attractive courses and specialties, which prepare for work in areas most desired on job market
  • The education we provide is based on the humanistic approach, which guarantees that students rise awareness on heterogeneity of the contemporary world and are opened to the meditative development of their linguistic and intercultural skills. The awareness of this development is an integral part of the holistic personal development of students. The range of professions that can be obtained during studies integrates the requirement to achieve a high level of linguistic and cultural competences. These, in turn, constitute an important element of the three-level development scheme, which consists of acquiring of specific knowledge, development of certain skills and shaping attitudes, supported by the appropriate level of development of several soft skills. The achievement of all of them is the goal and scope of our education.
  • Kind, and very involved and giving toward students staff, receiving highest notes in anonymous opinion researches, carried out among students and alumni every few years
  • Low fees, paid in instalment plan, allowing studies also for those with not very high income
  • Innovative study programs allow for virtual participation in courses; part of the courses is conducted on e-learning platform
  • All students have guaranteed foreign language and IT courses thorough their whole study period
  • Every student can take part in placement or carry out part of their studies abroad, thanks to Erasmus + program, funded by European Union.
  • WSZECHNICA POLSKA Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw is located in Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw – the very centre of the city – it creates convenient terms in matter of transportation and cultural life for students. There are Metro and Train stations in the vicinity of our School, as well as cinemas, theatres, swimming pools, museum and other attractions.
O Uczelni

Wszechnica Polska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Warszawie kształci od 2001 roku na kierunkach: zarządzanie, finanse i rachunkowość i wiele innych. Studia licencjackie i magisterskie.

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W dniach 25- 29 lipca 2022r. Wszechnica Polska gościła w ramach…